Saturday 30 May 2020

Amazon Forest in danger: fire, felling of forests and now corona virus

The Amazon rain forests play a very important role in maintaining the balance of the world's climate. These rain forests also help the world in fighting the challenge of global warming. However, the worldwide epidemic of coronavirus has had its effects on the rain forests of the Amazon.

The destruction of forests in the Amazon biological region in the first four months of the year 2020, has seen an increase of 55 percent over the previous year. Because many people are illegally clearing the forests by taking advantage of the situation created by the coronavirus epidemic.

In the Amazon, the incidence of forest cover, illegal mining, tree tie to clear land, and fire in the forest was already the fastest in 11 years. And scientists say that the pace of damage to the Amazon biological sector is so fast that soon we will be standing at such a point of destruction from where it will be difficult to return. After reaching that point, Amazon will not be able to play the role it currently plays in keeping the world's ab-o-Hawa balanced.

Here we will look at those pressures on Amazon, due to which he is standing at the mouth of destruction today. And will ask those nine countries who share this unique natural treasure with each other, what steps are they taking to save the Amazon?

The Amazon forests are the largest biological region in the world and have the highest biodiversity in the world. Meaning, the largest species of tree plants and animals are found here. Three hundred and thirty million humans live in the Amazon biological region. And it is home to thousands of species of plants and animals

Ever since the Corona virus has attacked Brazil, its infection has been the fastest in the Brazilian state of Amazonas. Amazonas health system is facing the most money loss in Brazil

Like other countries, in Brazil, traffic restrictions have been imposed and people are being asked to maintain social distancing to reduce the speed of virus infection.

But Jonath Mezowar of Survival International says that one of the consequences of the Corona virus outbreak in Brazil is that the field agents who had to do duty to prevent encroachment in protected forests have been recalled and are now back in the wild Not patrolling

In April, when the pace of virus infection increased, many Brazilian states started taking steps to isolate the public. At the same time, 64 percent increase was seen in the law against forest cutting incident in the same month last year. These figures are based on the primary satellite report of the Space Research Agency INPE

Last year saw unprecedented incidents of fire in the forests, due to which a large part of the Amazon was deforested. The peak wildfire season begins in July. According to many experts, during this time the outbreak of Corona virus in Brazil will also be at its peak.

Brazilian officials are deploying security forces in the Amazon region to protect rain forests, cut down illegal trees and prevent wildfires. However, critics say that the hue and cry the government is adopting in this case will lead to illegal mining and illegal tree cutting.

The destruction of forests was seen in nine countries of the Amazon region even before the illegal destruction of forests accelerated this year.

Among the countries in which Amazon's organic sector suffered the most damage in 2018, Brazil and Bolivia are among the top five countries. And in both these countries, there has been a huge increase in the incidents of Amazon forest fire in the last year.

But this is not the only problem.

Climate scientist Donato Nobre says that, "If we only see the damage done to the Amazon from the shrinking range of the forests, then it means that we are lying green."

The devastation of the Amazon rain forests so far is far more than the twenty percent loss figure coming in the media.

Donato Nobre says that in order to assess exactly how much of the Amazon's biological area has been destroyed, we have to include the data of biological degradation in our estimation.

This occurs when any eco-system becomes difficult to function properly due to pressures on one part of the forest, such as fire, deforestation and unlicensed hunting.

Again, even though the amount of trees and green area in any part of the forest is not reduced, but due to biological degradation, the rain forests lose their properties which are very important for our earth.

Scientists say that if we do not stop the current level of damage and degradation of forests in the Amazon, the consequences of climate change will be more terrible for the world.

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