Tuesday 5 December 2017

Holography: Inconventional photography and negative is make first and using it a positive print is produced later the positive bend contains information about intensity but the information about phase of light wave is not recorded and it is lost so we obtain 2D image of 3D object Danish gaber develop a new technique of photography.
           According to this technique both intensity and phase various of light waves coming from different parts of 3D object are recorded on a transparent photographic plate when viewed the photograph it shows 3D image of the object. This technique is called holography.
Principle of holography:
It is of two types
(1)Construction of Hologram
(2) Reconstruction of Image by Hologram

          In first step of hologram is recorded in the form of interference pattern and it is called construction of hologram second step construction of hologram acts as diffraction grating for the reconstruction Beam and the image of the object  is reconstructed from the hologram.This process is called reconstruction of image by hologram.

Construction of hologram:
 Hologram the light waves scatter from an object or superimposed on an
Reference beam obtained from same source of light and the interference pattern so formed is recorded on a transparent photographic plate which interference pattern contains all the information about the intensity and the face of the scattered wave laser beam is made to form to fall an optical plain transparent plate and one plane transparent plate M1 called been

splitter it splits the laser beam into two beams of proper intensity 1 laser beam is called eliminating Bheem after reflection from the mirror M2 it falls on the object and scattered waves from the object are also need to form to fall on a transparent photographic plates the another laser beam emerging from Beam splitter is made to fall on a mirror MP3 and the reflected wave is then made to fall directly on a photographic plate this beam is called reference beam. Both these laser beam form interference pattern after superposition on a graphic plate this interference is called holography.

Reconstruction of image by hologram

Now the creation of an intelligble image from a hologram is known as reconstruction of image.
                                            In the reconstruction of image of a hologram is illuminated by the same laser light coming in same direction as that of reference Beam at the time of projection of hologram.Two
Images are formed by the diffracted Waves emerging from the hologram one from then produces real image which can be photographed directly by placing a photographic plate at the position of real real image.By Seeing this real image from different angle it appears as true object.An other diffracted beam seems to come from the point where the original object was forms a virtual image.

Application of holography

(1) The 3D image produced by holograms have been used in various fields such as technical education also in advertising and artistic display etc.
(2) Holography is used in information coding
(3) Hologram is reliable object for data storage because even a small broken piece of hologram contain complete data or information about object with reduced clarity.
(4) In hospitals holography can be used to view the working of inner organs three dimensional that is the beating of heart, the fetus of pregnant lady and following blood based on motion holography.

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