Tuesday 2 June 2020

Succeed: SpaceX Dragon arrives at ISS carrying two NASA Astronauts

SpaceX, a private company producing rockets and spacecraft, has successfully transported two astronauts to the International Space Station for the US space agency NASA. The spacecraft flew from Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Elon Musk's company SpaceX confirmed NASA astronauts Bob Benken (49) and Dr. Hurley (53) arriving at the International Space Station, a space laboratory.

The company tweeted, "Confirm docking, Dragon members arrive at the space station." NASA tweeted, "Confirm docking astronaut Benken and astronaut Dr. arrived at the space station at 10:16 am. "

SpaceX's rocket Falcon 9 flew from Kennedy Space Center in Florida and the spacecraft arrived at the designated location 19 hours after takeoff. This is the first time in 20 years that a private spacecraft has taken to the space station carrying astronauts.

President Donald Trump, First Lady Melania Trump, and thousands of people gathered to watch the latch on Sunday afternoon. Trump congratulated Musk, NASA and astronauts and described the day as the best day for the country. Trump said he talked to Musk. At the same time, Musk said that it is like a dream come true for him and all the people of SpaceX.

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