Sunday 31 May 2020

What Strange Going on Antarctica : Scientist have Seen Strange Changes

With the help of NASA's satellite ICESat-2, scientists have found data that shows where snow has increased and decreased in Antarctica.

The latest data from Antarctica about the state of ice has been obtained from space. This shows that where ice is rapidly accumulating and where it is melting. This will help scientists in assessing changes in sea level. Scientists got this data with the help of a NASA satellite. Such data was never found before, so scientists are very excited about it.

With the help of a paper printed in the Science Journal, the researchers will be able to understand the effect of sea level through floating ice layers. These layers move from the interior to the ocean. It is clear that snow is decreasing here with time, but the areas are not clearly known. It is also increasing in some places. The paper's author, Helen Fricker, said that the scientists got this data together, which made it easier to study.

These data have been found with the help of the satellite ICESat-2 launched under NASA's Earth Observing System. With the help of light packets, this satellite can give accurate data of the Earth's layers. Alex Gardner, another author of the paper, pointed out that no such device was in space before. It is so accurate that it also records cracks and other features.

Researchers have studied the ice sharing in Antarctica with its help. How changes occurred between 2003 and 2019 were seen. The results found that the amount of snow that has been melted so far can increase the sea level by 6 millimeters or one-quarter inch. Snow has decreased in West Antarctica and Antarctic Peninsula, with layers thickening in the east. Climate change is not currently being linked to these changes, but Gardner said similar changes will be seen when the temperature rises

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